Source: Amazon
Author -
Graham Bell
Publisher -
Permanent Publications
Permanent Publications says, "Permaculture methods can be applied in the house, the garden, the wider community and on the farm, but it is also a way of life: its lessons and application go far beyond
gardening and food growing – to the way we speak to each other; the way we look after ourselves; the way we keep house; the
energy we use and the
water we need.
Permaculture is not about getting away from it all but taking control of our lives, our individual needs and our common future. Whatever your age and skills, it is a practice rich with practical solutions for creating an enduring and more harmonious way of living."
About the Author
Permanent Publications says, "Graham Bell is an internationally renowned speaker, teacher and writer on
Permaculture and a range of allied topics. He lives with his wife Nancy in Britain’s longest surviving intentional food forest at Garden Cottage."
Where to get it?
Permanent Publications
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