tim Waine

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since Dec 10, 2012
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Recent posts by tim Waine

Hello I'm looking for a full hook up site on a monthly  rental basis preferably  50amp service can accommodate  30amp. Myself and my wife. Thank you.plan on coming out this month if possible  and staying up to 6months.
3 years ago
I just found these this week as well.. What did you do with them? Did you ever go back and get more? I found a honey hole with these, gonna do some research and go get more:)
11 years ago
What are the accommodations and prices? Sounds like a fun trip. Just moved to the south/ northern Louisiana, and would like to see more:)
11 years ago
I contacted them they were in talks with someone sounds like they are in the process of closing escrow. Any who could you email me my wife will be there thus coming wed and would like to meet with you if possible? Thanks i look foreword to meeting you in person. Gave a great day Tim
11 years ago
Hi Janet,
Yes, it is Ruston were moving to. Going to be renters. We are going to want to garden and have some goats and chickens.
11 years ago
Hello I'm moving to Rustin in June.
Looking to connect with some locals.
Gonna be headed out there in July ish to look for a place to rent.
Any contacts or suggestions would be great??
Thanks in advance
11 years ago

Kota Dubois wrote:I just visited Richters site after not going for a while and noticed that they have a new department called the Seed Zoo. They have collected rare species from all over the world, including some very interesting perennial food crops and others from every climate. I think it's worth a looksee.
