Does anyone know what this fruit/tree might be? I have been obsessed with watching it's maturation over the last few months. Just about everyday I pass it on the entrance ramp to a highway. It's a weeping type of tree with ovate serrated leaves. The fruits started out green and are now yellow. The other day I couldn't resist stopping on the ramp and stealing a couple berries (see picture). They are about the size of large cherries but they are firm to the touch. The seeds look apple-like.
I'm wondering what they are and if they are edible?
Crabapple of some type? There is a LOT of variation in wild crabapples, so since the leaves look kinda like apple leaves, the fruits look kinda like apple fruits, the seeds look kinda like apple seeds, then I think you got some kinda apple there.
I just found these this week as well.. What did you do with them? Did you ever go back and get more? I found a honey hole with these, gonna do some research and go get more:)
Definitely a crabapple. I suppose you could make jelly or cider with it (probably with some other apple varieties), or perhaps use it as a source of pectin.