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Kim Arnold

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since Apr 05, 2013
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Recent posts by Kim Arnold

Kim Arnold wrote:. . .  Amanda how good would pickle dust be on all kinds of things?

It should say And… not Amanda. Sorry
1 year ago
I had a thought today, based on recent observations, and it may apply here.

I think dill pickles are having a moment right now. I’ve seen recipes for dill pickle popcorn, the store where I work just introduced its version of dill pickle pizza, and I personally made a chocolate chip cookie stuffed with dill pickle slices be ause I saw it on the Internet. (Definitely worth a little dough! I liked the combo very much!)

I’m wondering if anyone has ever freeze dried a dill pickle. Do they keep that intense flavor? How much fun are they to eat when they are crunchy? Amanda how good would pickle dust be on all kinds of things?
1 year ago
Freeze dried ice cream is a genius idea!
1 year ago
I’ll admit I’m envious of those of you with freeze driers, and very impressed by all the things you’ve preserved! I don’t have the space or $$$ right now, so I’ll keep waiting. But I do have a question - why isn’t freeze-dried pasta a thing?

I like to use freeze dried foods to make quick mixes for soups and simple meals. I would love to include pasta that would rehydrate and be perfectly cooked, but I can’t find anything like that!

I have to carry my drinking/cooking water up three flights of steps - I’m not willing to use it to boil pasta and pour it out. (Yes, I know there are ways to use that water, but I have other ways I like to use it.)

Is freeze-dried pasta a possibility? Has anyone tried it?
1 year ago

Megan Palmer wrote:Thank you Phoenix, one of the links that you shared led me down a rabbit hole and found this video of Hazel Tindall a lady who knits with a sheath and holds several records for fastest knitter.

Impressive skills indeed.

Thank you so much for that video! What stands out to me is that the knitting style is basically like “throwing,” but the right arm doesn’t need to make such big movements to get the yarn around the needle. You’ve made me want to try it even more!
1 year ago
That is soooo interesting! I had no idea there was such a thing, but it makes sense. I guess knitting for relaxation, as I do, would never have paid the bills for people back in the day. It would be fun to try knitting fast like that, though.
1 year ago
Thank you soooooo much! What an awesome surprise gift!

As an ebook on my phone this book will be available when I’m b actual trees and trying to remember what the book said! Yay!
1 year ago
Are you adding ketchup at serving time? That always helps. (Just kidding. I love ketchup on Mac and cheese, though).

I’ve made Mac and cheese the way you’re describing and it has been fine. I didn’t brown the butter or cook the flour for more than a minute. I suspect the answer lies in the cheeses (plural) and spices you’re using.

That said, the BEST Mac and cheese I ever made was in a crock pot and it included eggs. Something about the long, slow cooking made it amazing. You might like a baked recipe better. Or you may like your recipe better if you bake it a bit after you stir it together.

Good luck!
2 years ago
I’m definitely interested! Thanks so much for offering this class!
2 years ago
Hi Yury!

I’m seeing your hoe for the first time, and I look forward to learning more about it.
3 years ago