So glad to see a recent post, it looks like you are starting off well, learning, planting, doing workshops, talking to folks, watching videos...all the beginning stuff that we might want to skip over, or hurry through, but that are so important. I am glad your first apple and pear seeds are doing well, and even a few planted! Yeah!
I have some peach pits in the freezer now, I guess for Florida, I will have to wait for spring, we are so hot...July is too hot a month for any planting, but I took out my plan, and am thinking of the how and where of my fall adventure, with only 2 small raised beds, and a bit of ground, many pots...I have lemons and limes, avocados, moringa, malabar spinach, a few onions left, some herbs, some I have been able to dry and save : ) But also, many failures, more learning opportunities, yes?
I am glad to see how much you have learned and done, and look forward to more of your adventure, thank you for sharing : )