Good Morning Everyone,
I just wanted to introduce myself. I found Paul Weaton's Podcasts on Sticher and have been binge listening in. I am almost up to date with the ones he has there.
And it lead me here so I just wanted to say hello.
I was born in Jamaica and moved to Canada when i was 26 and lived in Canada 10 years now in Toronto. Last year i found myself getting a bit annoyed at
city living. I went on vacations a lot so i took many breaks and i still couldn't shake it. In Jamaica I lived in the big city of Kingston too so that wasn't it. I was a city Girl so that wasn't it. I tried many outlets like ceramic
art but that didn't get rid of the feeling it just made me addicted to making pottery. So that wasn't it either.
Not knowing permies exisited or all the other self sufficient stuff existed. I got this feeling that i needed my own space I didn't want to rent all my life. I couldn't afford to buy anything in the city. the banks wouldn't give me that much money. (I
should write them a thank you but I had a little money saved for a down payment. I got mad (mainly cause i worked for a bank) and said fine I'll just buy my own
land with my down payment and build my own house like my dad did back home
. So thats what i did.
I fell in love with the piece of land (just land) that no one seemed to want and it was going for cheaper than usual. I guess I will find out why sometime in the future. I visited weekend this summer and totally loved it. There are lakes and Provincial Parks all around. I visited one and had fun fishing. My neighbours are friendly and the community is nice. One weekend visit we had some serious car trouble and had to stay there for a week and then got the fixed car stuck in the mud of the unpaved "driveway" and usually an
experience like that would be terrible but I was surprised it was great and i learned
alot. Everyone really tried to help, We know our neighbours (who probably think oh no dumb city people bought the land next and now we know where most things are crash
course style.
The land needs so much work and I am so excited to start. It is wooded looks like a mini forest (love), I have a swamp which I an hoping I will figure out how to clean up and make into a
pond (love), the land slopes down and lakes it interesting and it gives me his Jamaica feel as I lived on a hill back home (love).
After I listened to the podcast and found my way here my mind has been exploding with the possibilities. I have you don't mind me sharing and i look forward to hearing your thoughts too. I am happy that Permies exists as when i told anyone except my parents on what i wanted to do I got crazy looks. I am happy I found other like minded people here to start my journey with I an excited.
I will talk to you later I have to get ready to go to work. My eyes are open now and I am awake and I know what I have to do. First thing pay off all the ridiculous city girl consumer debt.
My first
project i can start during the winter is fruit
trees. One thing seems to lead to another and I was on the waiting list for a
greenhouse allotment with The city of Toronto and they called me in September to tell me I got it!
So now I can grow some fruit trees there for a few months till spring and maybe plant them on the land then. I am thinking trees are permanent, low
enough maintenance that when planted properly my weekend visits should be enough attention. They take a while to grow and it may take me a while to get everything settled in Toronto and set up on the land to move (but I could be horribly wrong I'm still learning).
What were your first projects? If you don't mind sharing with me
Thanks for listening.
Nice to meet you