Christopher Weeks

master gardener
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since Jun 24, 2018
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Carlton County, Minnesota, USA: 3b; Dfb; sandy loam; in the woods
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Recent posts by Christopher Weeks

When we got our Instant Pot, we got rid of: a rice maker, a yogurt maker, a crock pot, and a stovetop pressure cooker.
2 hours ago
Starting a chili by toasting a whole lot of cumin seeds.
4 hours ago
One of the bolt receivers (I'm not sure what the right name is) pulled out of the seat-frame and I just got the replacement. So I liked it for three weeks and then was annoyed. If it keeps being shoddy, I'll have wasted a bunch of money.

However, I like having it when it's not broken. My shins get sore if I stay in the prototypical position too long, but there are three main ways that I use it -- 1) ass on the seat, shins on the bottom cushion, 2) ass on the seat, feet on the bottom cushion, rocking, 3) ass on the seat, feet on the rocker rails. I also swap out for any of: standing, stooling, and sitting on a yoga ball.
5 hours ago
I'm allergic, though not deathly so (yet), to coffee. I have to be pretty careful about where I work, shop, dine, and recreate because every goddamn person on Earth has to have coffee with them at all times. It's a real slog.

And coffee is the second most important hobby for my wife. To accommodate our mixed needs, we built her a "coffee house" (shed) that she can go out to every morning so she can drink her burnt beans and I get to keep on breathing.
5 hours ago
If I lived in the deep south like you, Tim, I'd grow peaches for sure! ;-)

When I was two or three, I planted two peach pits right up against the cinderblock foundation of our southern California rental. By the time we moved away from that house when I was eight, we had a couple of six-foot trees that bore a small load of peaches every summer. That's really all I know about them, but they don't seem too fussy based on that.
1 day ago
A quick survey of some of our art…
1 day ago

Josh Hoffman wrote:Why on earth did our states or government ever get involved in this?

I think it's essentially because everyone recognizes that (on average) people rooted in stable long-term families make better neighbors. And a society made up mostly of these stable families is more productive and safer for all.

We celebrate Juneteenth because it represents the ongoing healing of a major flaw in our nation as it was founded. Celebrating Obergefell v. Hodges follows that pattern. Since we do live in a nation with legally incentivized marriage, it's only just for our queer friends and neighbors to have access to that incentivization scheme. (And of course, aside from the justice of it, we all benefit from they too being rooted in productive stable families.)
1 day ago

Carla Burke wrote:I'm sorry, Christopher. I just can't choose only one.

Yeah, yeah! I'm not denigrating other spices. I love other spices! (They're just not cumin...)
2 days ago
Where I live, I just add a little more compost depth and plant into it even if the cardboard hasn't broken down. The roots find a way through. If you're talking about carrots, that might not work out ideally, but most stuff would. That's here though and the cardboard never survives two years.
Also, so that you know what kind of crazy you're dealing with, I direct your attention to my opinion on cinnamon:
2 days ago