Mary Allan

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since Sep 30, 2018
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Older, Scot by birth, now in Kiwiland. I recently bought a run-down 3-acre block with a mud-brick house. I'm giving both lots of TLC and loving the challenge of permy-ing where ever I can. Enjoy the tips and ideas on this site.
Sold the mud-brick house for a good profit, I've just moved into my newly built 90sq m passive solar house. I'm about to start making a permie garden around it.

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Burt Crews
That sounds like my kind of porch
1 month ago
Jordan Holland - you made my day!
I'm alone, of course, laughing out loud, cos I can, cos there's no nosey parkering, sticky beaky, interfering people here to ask me what I'm laughing at
1 year ago
Hi, I totally agree with Timothy Norton. Very thick mulch is, for me, the way to go.
I'm busy converting the corner of a paddock into a garden, and nothing comes up through 30cm wood chip mulch. This is the second time I've used this method, the great thing is that after  year or so you can scrape it back and plant through it. I scrape back a small bucket size fill it with soil/compost mix, plant my brocolli or whatever and put the mulch back, close up to the plant.  
Check out Paul Gautschi, Back to Eden gardening.
Good luck! By the way I'm 70, 5'0" and mulching/ no dig makes my 1/4 acre garden very manageable.
I live in NZ , an imigrant, so now I tag 'as' into my speech to emphasise what comes before, so here you go, EASY AS SAUCY POTATOES.
In a heavy casserole dish layer up the following.
Thick layer of butter
About 2cm thinly sliced potato
Sprinkle of flour- plain or gf
Salt and pepper and a lot of bits of butter or thin slices of butter :)
Keep going like this till your dish is nearly full, ending with butter on top.
Pour in enough milk to come 2/3 up the dish.
Put the lid on and bake at 180c till tatties are tender.
Take the lid off, bake until top is golden, you can add cheese if you like.
Extremely yummy.
1 year ago
Grapefruit seed extract. You can use it topically as well as take it as a medicine. Homeopathic Thuja.
Cut down or cut out sugar and reduce carbs if possible.
2 years ago
Thanks for all that good info. After having a glut of plums I started making a plum liqueur.
Pack a large jar with an equal weight of plums and sugar, fill with alcohol, I have a still so that's cheap for me. If you don't make your own alcohol you might want to use a smaller jar ;)
Anyway, make sure the plums are covered by the alcohol, put the lid and and put the jar in the back of a cupboard for at least 6 months.
The liqueur is delicious and the plums make a wonderful tipsy addition to desserts.
2 years ago
Just had a quick scan through the  chicken book, awesome!
Thanks for such a great Kickstarter gift!
2 years ago
Intersting info, I'm in the South Island on NZ. I can grow a mix of Mediterranean and temperate plants. Most useful for me are, valerien, yarrow, oregano, mallow, mullein, echinachea. I usually dry them or make tinctures. It's legal to distill your alcohol here, that's a bonus! Not allowed to sell it though. I do grow turmeric in my glass house and make a very effective turmeric and black pepper tincture.
5 years ago