r ranson wrote:It's officially in drying mode. I don't know how to make it better, so I will leave it to dry and maybe later, I will have skills to see what needs improvement.
Although it is tempting to paint the companion piece to this. When I took the original gosling photos, I got two really good ones.
Mark Reed wrote:Someone said to "boil the hell out of it" and that is what I do. Peaches, strawberries, grapes or what ever it is. I don't really care all that much about consistency or appearance. What I'm after is that it is preserved and most importantly tastes good.
Like I mentioned, I don't really know what to call it. It's got globs of fruit, its sticky and gooey. Compared to a lot of jams or jellies it looks awful but if it's made from peaches, it tastes like peaches, if it's made from grapes it tastes like grapes and so on. If it's made from wild black cherries it's incredible.
Douglas Alpenstock wrote:Our little cold corner under the basement stairs has mostly potatoes, several different varieties that we love and grow.
Also in the cold room are onions, alas commercial ones since we have a hard time getting them to grow here. But I bought a bunch of 10 lb bags at $5 each in season, and then spread them on a rack with a small fan on them for 10 days. That way they dry down properly and don't start to mold/rot. Haven't lost more than a couple.
Our other "root cellar" is the basement fridge, which has a good stock of carrots and beets that will last us until we start harvesting fresh ones next summer.
Dian Green wrote:I have tried the overnight oats thing and loved the convenience but didnt care for the "chalkiness" of the uncooked oats. It's a minor taste/texture difference but it doesn't work for me or my mother so we're sticking to cooked for now.
If I desperately needed the time saved, I might get over it but I'm glad I don't have to for now. ( when cooking oatmeal, I will make a large batch and it usually covers 3 days. It reheats in the micro fine for us.)
eva guo wrote:Wow. Looks great, Austin and Burra. Wish I could build one. I just stacked some fire bricks. Have no idea how to mortar.