Michael Lowe

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since May 26, 2020
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Recent posts by Michael Lowe

paul you are full of shit
you say one thing but do another just like all the other corporate c**ts that have sold their souls!
see attached photo for clarification of what I mean.
I'm sick of your email updates without the actual button as  a communicatoin preference which should be inserted as it show in the attached screenshot where I left it ticked.
If you state something as an option in one's  account communication preferences then fecking stick to your word instead of fecking around
Nobody has time for these frickin school boy antics!
Im so glad I read this because I never ever realised about the whole scrolling to the bottom of the dailyish to find the freebie. No wonder I haven't been grabbing the freebies?! Was wondering why all this time, also Nicole you said im not subscribed to the dailyish as a reason for not getting the freebies but I promise you I am which is exactly why I'm here with this right now. Thanks again for the explanation, I'll just go quietly sit in a corner with my dunce cap for a little while. 🤣
Dear Jocelyn

This simple morning latte is just the boost to get your day started! I drink this religiously every morning before anything else because of the incredible multi stacked benefits it has and it's so simple and easy to make. If you can I suggest you to always use fresh organic ingredients if you can and if you're in a climate where you can grow some if not all of the ingredients even better! The health benefits from all these ingredients are phenomenal as you most probably already know.
The important thing to understand about cooking is that often when cooking with ingredients we can potentially lose a lot of the secondary phytonutrients as Fred Provenza so eloquently speaks about in his book Nourishment which is predominantly about Nutritional Wisdom available from Chelsea Green Publishing and many other independent and ethical book outlets worldwide.
So with this recipe and early morning warm drink both temperature and the ingredients are creating a magical alchemy in the body and I'm not sure if you're aware how scientists, doctors and health care professionals across the globe are starting to all follow the same science and understanding that inflammation is at the heart of most if not all disease.
Some might say that the"Alkaline Program" developed by Ross Bridgeford is an incredible contribution to humanity!?
I suffer with an under active thyroid and because of this several auto immune knock on effects such as food intolerances and have not been able to eat dairy nor gluten for a very long time. When I discovered the Alkaline program I was blown away by the results within 5 days!!!
I now have my Latte religiously every morning without fail. My routine is as follows and this is what works for me, may not work for your husband/partner?

1. Kettle on or preferably if water in flask from night before still hot enough I use that
2. Peel a thumb sized piece of ginger or galangal and then thinly slice at about 3mm thickness, whatever you prefer
3. If you like you can add a rooibos (redbush) tea bag but not necessary ( a brilliant source of antioxidants and many other phytonutrients)
4. Chop up your turmeric if you have fresh
5. Add the ingredients to your mug or cup and fill halfway with hot water, stir and leave to steep
6. Go do something else for 5 minutes ( I go and let my hens out, check water, remove poop to compost and if there are kitchen scraps the edible ones go to the chickens and the non edible goes to the compost together with the chicken poop
7. If you don't have fresh turmeric use powdered tumeric but very very importantly use organic and make sure it's from a reputable source but I'm sure you already know why?
Add the powder to your cup and stir vigorously
8. 8th of a medium sized lemon squeezed into the cup
9. If you really want to get fancy add a dessert spoon of 100% cold pressed Virgin coconut oil and enjoy! I usually skip the coconut oil in mine because I have about a table spoon full of it in my oats porridge which I also eat every morning on account of my gluten intolerance! 😋

This latte may not be for everyone? For me it was love at first sip! But give it a try anyway, it will grow on you!
4 years ago
Did you know you can actually plant shop bought ginger/galangal so long as it's fresh and has little shoots starting to peak through? Of course it generally requires sub tropical conditions in order for it to thrive such as at least 4 hours of sunlight per day and preferably under glass?!
4 years ago
Many moons ago while hiking across South Africa to go and live with my folks I survived on black berries, mulberries and black currents for a day. As I said it was many moons ago, I was about 21 and still wet behind the ears. As much as I enjoyed those wild berries (growing along the side of a motorway I might add) I got greedy and kept scoffing them throughout the day when I wasn't getting a lift. Needless to say but by that evening when I finally arrived at my folks I was in agony! Still I absolutely enjoyed them at the time I was stuffing my face! 😂
4 years ago
Hi Laura! Welcome! I'm new here too! That's really fantastic what you are doing for the land and your community by planting some riparian buffer zones.
I do believe Mark Shepard CEO of New Forest Farm and author of Restoration Agriculture would be a very good person to connect with https://www.forestag.com/pages/mark-shepard
He also has a q and a YouTube video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zS0cL7ytjQw and how I discovered him was through Scott Mann's wonderfully educational Permaculture Podcast. Listen to parts 1 2 and 3 of an incredibly refreshing and candid dialogue between Scott and Mark! I just love his upfront approach, absolutely no beating around the bush, so to speak! Listen here, you won't regret it:  https://www.thepermaculturepodcast.com/2020/restoration-agriculture-with-mark-shepard-part-i/
I hope this will help answer many of your questions and definitely connect with the guy he's here to help! 😁
4 years ago
What about nature connection?
Especially now during the great pause many of us will be getting so much more time not just to fill up with chores but also to spend in our gardens if we are fortunate enough to have a small space? Even a 10x10ft courtyard can be a beautiful little oasis if you let your creative juices flow! Wherever you are in most places on this planet, even in heavily built up urban areas you don't have to look far too find nature if you start with the first principle, observing.
Nature connection too begins with observation, using all of your senses. This may start as an important hobby but may develop into a life altering alchemical practice that will literally change your outlook on life for the remainder of your life. If you want any pointers search for "what the robin knows" by Jon Young, one of the founders of the 8 Shields organisation and nature connection modelling practitioners and probably the world's authority on bird language. He is also one of the most incredible story tellers I've ever had the pleasure of meeting.
4 years ago
I agree with Jay Angler on his Sepp Holzer suggestions and would also like to sing the praises of stacking functions, extremely helpful though I'm not very familiar with deer and how you would steer them away without fencing other than either planting loads of undesirables that have another function such as hazel for coppicing and thereby sacrificing the nuts, this would hopefully keep them away from other crop at least in the autumn or you could also plant other sacrificial crop plants away from where your actual cropping plants are. Most foraging animals will tend to return to the same spot if there is an abundance. Plus you may even create a very easy routine for culling if you know they always return to the same spot or spots.
4 years ago