John Pachall

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since Aug 22, 2022
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Recent posts by John Pachall

We had an ugly old smoke detector in our dining room, and It didn't work any more, so I replaced it.
1 year ago
We recently acquired a chainsaw sharpener, this was my first time using it. It worked well, I would definitely recommend it.
1 year ago
Thank you guys! I will make sure to apply that principle going forward.
Invoking the 48 hour rule.

Hello. I recently submitted a BB for plumbing, and I forgot to add a certain picture. So it was flagged as incomplete, by the reviewer.
So I later added the correct photo, and I have not gotten any sort of response from the reviewer. I has bee over a week now. Can this BB please be Re-reviewed and accepted if seen fit?
We recently bought a new vehicle, which did not have a first aid kit in it. So we thought that it would be a good idea to make one from scratch and put it in the van.
1 year ago
Our old tub faucet was rusty, leaky, and squeaky. It rally needed replaced. so We replaced it. The pipes were tightened super tight, but I was eventually able to detach them. from then on it was simple, and now we have a new shiny, non-squeaky, non-leaky faucet.
1 year ago

"Gertrude"  Was pouring boiling water over their thumb, and burned it. It soon started to swell up and hurt. It lasted for around 24 hours., but wasn't very severe. I diagnosed them with the option of either aloe-Vera, or arnica, they chose the latter. we covered the thumb in arnica gel, as shown in the pictures. I instructed them not to touch it,  and to wrap is in plastic wrap., after we put the arnica on. It soon stopped swelling, and stopped hurting. This was very successful.
Our old tub faucet was rusty, leaky, and squeaky. It rally needed replaced. so We replaced it. The pipes were tightened super tight, but I was eventually able to detach them. from then on it was simple, and now we have a new shiny, non-squeaky, non-leaky faucet.
1 year ago
We have some grape vines that were growing up the side of our deck, so me, and my sister cut a bunch of junkpoles, and lag-screws, after we collected enough recourses we built an arbor so that they would have some support while growing, This took a little while, but hopefully it shall serve it's purpose well.

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1 year ago

WE use shovels a lot. So I decided that I might as well clean one up. I used files for this badge, I also used olive oil to protect the metal for future use. The shovel is now VERY sharp. I accidently cut my finger on it while I was finishing it up, so I can personally attest to its sharpness.
1 year ago