C Pearce

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since Jan 08, 2023
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Recent posts by C Pearce

Not here to give advice, but....
I really like the new look. Much cleaner and easier to understand. Good Work!
Hi, Kevin,
Are you still working on this chart, progression, etc. It is quite interesting and looks like it would be of interest to newbies, too.
Thank you.
6 months ago
Thank you for the clarification, Pearl.
7 months ago
Thank you so much, Nancy, for sharing your recipe. I really appreciate it.
From Wyoming, USA
7 months ago

Pearl Sutton wrote:

Morfydd St. Clair wrote:

Interesting - searching for sour cereal gives me a grain-based soup served in ashrams, but comments say it's not actually sour.  Is that what you mean?  I'm interested in the recipe!

Yes, the recipe below is one from an ashram in the late 1980s. In the ashrams they didn't sour it, but the lady from India I learned it from said to make it, and let it sour for several days before serving it, that's how she learned it, and she said the non-soured stuff was made more for the Americans at the ashrams as the soured taste wasn't popular with most of them. The brewer's yeast flakes it was was optionally served with soured the flavor for those of us who liked it that way. I prefer it sour, either from yeast or countertop ferment.

The recipe I have:
3/4 cup any mix of cereal grains like millet, bulgar wheat, quinoa, steel-cut oats.
1 tsp whole cumin seeds
2-3 tbs of fresh grated or dry shredded coconut (not sweetened)
2 tbs finely chopped onion
1 tbs grated ginger
1 tsp salt or to taste
6-8 cups water

Brewer's Yeast
2 tbs chopped fresh cilantro leaves

Combine all ingredients (except cilantro and Brewer's Yeast) in the pot. Bring to a boil, then lower heat to simmer until grains are cooked to preferred consistency. Stir in cilantro and serve with Brewer's Yeast added to individual taste.

Pearl’s comments: Needs ground nuts or seeds to taste right, sesame seeds is best. About 1/4 cup for these proportions.

That's the variant I have soured, and it really needs the ground seeds or nuts to flavor up right, in my opinion. It lacks something (depth? smoothness?) without it.


If you use this recipe, please tell me how you 'sour' it on the counter? Thank you for your help.
7 months ago
Thank you, Paul, for the lovely bonus. I read it cover to cover. It is delightful.
8 months ago
I love the way you decorated your green house. The flowers are so cute and that adorable hobbit door, Oh, My! Thank you for sharing.
9 months ago
Hi Rachel,
There is a book called 'When Weeds Talk' by Jay l. McCaman that may help you.
9 months ago