Hi there!
We have raised meat birds in tractors in our pasture and have used a variety of forage. Our pasture is pretty diverse - lot's of oat grass, dandelion, chickweed, shot weed, all the grasses (except bermuda [knock
wood]), and stands of herbs such as borage, chamomile, comfrey, etc. I only do meat birds after May because then I have so many weeds, bugs and worms to supplement their diet from the worm bins and annual veggie garden. We do a run in May and again in August and harvest at 8 weeks. Cornish Cross. Although this year we aren't doing meat birds as we focus on installing our last food forest area and growing our latest batch of layer hens that we hatched out in March.
So one of the things that I have done is sow red russian kale just about everywhere and let it go to seed. Stands of it have taken over in most of our corners of the property and I have beds of kale that reseed every year. I have found that the meat birds will tear through the kale in all of it's forms. Although I protect certain stands of it (such as the ones that ring our orchard) others' I will just let the meats run right over, knowing that nothing really kills Kale. I'm either selectively harvesting and dumping in their
tractor or dragging the tractor right over the kale beds. Another trick I learned to cut our
feed bill was to leave fallow a section of our property that has really sandy soil and has spawned quite a crazy metropolis of
ants. I drag the tractor over there as they get bigger and let the meats dig up all the ants they can handle. I still have to supplement with feed but the amount goes ways down, so that is good.
If we had a stationary system in place, I would do more of what this dude does
with the whole
chicken composting system. But that's a
project for another month. Or year. Or whatever....
The next thing I want to try is a stand of Moringa (I think it would grow as an annual here, but in your neck of the woods it would make a good perennial? I think?) And see if they like the high nutrient density of Moringa. I have much to learn about that stuff, so I've been putting off trying it until the other projects are done.
Good Luck! Have Fun!