Similar to how Paul Wheaton has
project labor and nest labor, there is a similar division of time with my
internship in Longview, WA, where I am doing some gardening and renovating. Growing my own garden falls under nest labor (aka my own time), so, I have been mostly working on this early morning, late evening, and on the weekends. I got my starts and seeds from Eric's mom, and I'm really grateful for her!
These are some of the things I have planted. At the stakes, there are tomato plants.
These are some tiny sprouted jalapenos I planted into the ground.
I also planted some peppers.
Here's a close up of one of the tomato plants!
And these are more started plants that I have yet to get into the ground!
I also directly sowed a few varieties of squash and peas, because I like squash and would love for eating but also want it as ground cover, too! I'm hoping the direct seeded squash and peas do awesome!