I am raising free range hard heads. not the chickens..my family..."No
chickens until the place is ready for them." Meaning no place for them until I am ready to cope with them. because I will wind up being the one to cope with them.
I have to laugh, I guess. I got up this morning and caught my oldest daughter filling a shiny new poultry waterer in teh tub..."UMMM...WHAT is that for?" She trots out...."MOOOM! WE'RE BUSTED!"
Crap. now I have to scrounge materials and get a broiler pen built and a tractor/laying house built before the little buggers get big
enough to be out. <sigh>
Oh well, I just sowed in a plot of buckwheat around my first
hugel mound, and I think I have enough scrounged chain link top rail to make an entire
chicken tractor with a steel frame. that ought to last a few years.
that and I will have a hundred or so tomato plants this year..might just have a few extras...chickens looove tomatoes.
no real point to this. I am just grumpy about it.