Can anyone help identify what the issue here might be with my strawberries? Soil too damp? A fungus? I just transplanted these babies into a raised bed a few days ago.
Hmm. As part of the process of elimination, may I ask how you are watering and what your water source is? Well water can have dissolved minerals/salts that don't agree with strawberry leaves if they have direct contact. The chemical burn zone on the leaf edge is usually brown, though, and not curled,
My best guess is strawberry leaf blight, which is fungal. Wet leaves help it grow and spread. "Leaf blight forms on the leaves presenting a purple red colored lesion that forms a large V on the leaf. Small black dots form on mature areas of infection. Leaf blight affects older or weak plants more than healthy new growth.
Leaf spot, leaf scorch, and leaf blight are caused by fungus that infects the plant. The fungus produces spores that thrive in wet, warm conditions. The fungus will over winter, which is the primary cause of infection. Since the fungus remains present in the area, it will infect new plants if not properly controlled.
At the first signs of infection, remove and destroy all leaves and runners presenting symptoms. Plant new sets in areas that have good air circulation along with a sunny, well drained soil. Control weeds around the plants as they prevent air circulation and drying of the plants. Weeds stay wet longer, creating an optimal environment for fungus growth. Fungicides will assist in controlling the disease; however it is better to use organic methods of control."