Carla Burke wrote:How are you hoping to administer the remedies?
Hi Carla....Thank you for responding. I'm hoping to administer the remedies/food by encouraging her to administer them to herself, which I've successfully begun experimenting with already. I've barely even touched her before, which is the way she likes it!- therefore she allows me to come very close. She has also liked the various foods I've given her and so she comes to me, and she's already been willing to try several new things, including the rough sand she needed as grit after she became severly bloated by scoffing my corn most days for several weeks or so. (Going by her initial response to the corn, she'd never seen that before either).
Incidently, it was whilst she was in the process of becoming severly bloated that this eye problem began, by way of the whites of her eyes being bloodshot. A week or so later they turned to a cloudy pink, some days looking more red than pink. It's approximately 5 weeks later and most days they've been red, some days cloudy pink. In the last few days she's been showing signs of pain by squinting, and closing her eyes tight shut for about 15secs whilst her head was expanding. One day recently I thought there was a puffiness around each of her eyes.