My Northern patch of soil has some amazing benefits. Mostly the seclusion, lake-front with creek access, and in the Summer almost 21 hours of daylight for growing things.
The downsides are mostly about the length of the Winter. pretty much 7 months solidly below zero (that's freezing in Celsius) and two shoulder months of light frosts.
I've worked hard to make
permaculture work here, I've got a
compost system that works (slowly), a
RMH greenhouse that works to get tomatoes at least to the green stage, but perennials -especially fruit trees- have been a head-sctratcher.
Lee Valley just sent out this notice about some hardy cherry
trees they
sell, developed South-east of me at the U. of Saskatchewan:
Cherries for Northern Climates
Has anyone tried growing these varieties, any other info about them?
A little bit of research shows me that a '
local' nursery sells this variety. And local by Yukon standards means that they are 600km (7 hours) away. The next largest town down the road. And you can't get there by car, you need to
canoe the last bit.
Klondike Valley Nursery
Prices range from $25 to $45 per plant so I want to make sure they will work for me before I order/drive/canoe to get them.
Tell me about your cold hardy fruit! And what you do about bears.
(Old timey film stock included for your viewing pleasure)