What is your opinion of Robert Hart's book,
Forest Gardening?
It is on sale by the publisher, Chelsea Green, until May 31. For further information:
I ask because I am wondering if it would be useful to add to my
books at this time.
We are beginning to put in a
permaculture food forest on our 1/4 acre lot in outer SE Portland, Oregon.
I would like to teach others to do this.
I learn best by hearing a lot of different people's approaches. This also frees me to think more creatively on the subject. I can teach better by hearing many ways to express similar ideas, to suit different people.
I have not taken a
permaculture design course, because I am mostly interested in the food growing aspects and have to economize.
I have many years of
experience with
gardening and
permaculture, and feel I have only scratched the surface.
I already own Dave Jacke's
Edible Forest Gardens. Vols 1 and 2, and Martin Crawford's
Creating a Forest Garden and
Eric Toensmeier's
Perennial Vegetables.
Thank you for sharing your insights.
Happiness, Health, Peace and Abundance for All!
Pamela Melcher