Hello, I am new to fruit trees. This is one of my apple trees, a Gala. I am not sure the exact age but I would say maybe 2 years. I noticed these 2 areas, one being on the trunk of course. My question is are these cankers and what do I do if so? If I have to cut off that means I have to basically destroy the entire tree because of where it is. Can someone please guide me on what do do next. Thank you!
Those don't look like canker to me. It looks like the tree is just trying to heal over possibly from a damaged branch or where it was possibly pruned too far from the tree.
I would prune it right close to the trunk and I think it'll heal over nicely.
Best of luck!
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Those don't look like canker to me. It looks like the tree is just trying to heal over possibly from a damaged branch or where it was possibly pruned too far from the tree.
I would prune it right close to the trunk and I think it'll heal over nicely.
Best of luck!
Thank you Steve
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