Hey people. So many of us interested in seedballs, but we do not know still which species work good with seedballs and which not.
should be reporting more our failure and successes.
We already know from another
thread, that wheat failed for one of us. But because of crows.
Someone posted this in another blog: where they failed for corn and sunflowers but had success with cowpeas.
Because the seedlings failed to thrive and the weather was warm and dry.
Fukuoka tried rice balls, barley balls, and balls with a mix of cover crops and vegetables. But we do not how it works. And how it works for each specific vegetable. Well, I guess it's part of the "do nothing" approach but still I am curious to know a bit more.
Some seeds might not like to sprout in clay. Some seeds might sprout better if we add some sand to the ball. Some seeds might prefer to be sown at the ball surface, while other well inside the ball. Some might germinate when the seedball is not yet dried.
No one has been reporting this. It would be useful to know.
To this purpose, I just started seedballs now for the first time! Yes, that's a very happy week. The balls are just beginning to sprout. (lentils, brassicas, mustards, the seeds at the surface of the balls)
I know it's already late in season and I am doing the experiments indoors. This year I only want to test whether the seedlings survive
root rot and develop the
roots from the seedball into the soil. Next year I will throw the balls in springtime. I am testing many seeds: flowers, cover crops, grains, pulses, squash, amaranth, brassicas, carrots, etc. I also threw a few balls outdoors but the weather here is already cold and frosty so I do not have hopes for those balls, but I will throw some balls with perennials and tree seeds.
Please feel free to share here your seedballs results
Our projects:
in Portugal, sheltered terraces facing eastwards, high water table, uphill original forest of pines, oaks and chestnuts. 2000m2
in Iceland: converted flat lawn, compacted poor soil, cold, windy, humid climate, cold, short summer. 50m2