So I want to plant okra (no longer having 'allergic' reactions to it - so happy
{'histamine intolerance' / MCAS} ) but since I had not planned on it earlier I don't know where to put it.
I'm having lots of problems planning things out in general & could use some input.
My backyard space is 850 sq ft, almost rectangular (slightly trapezoidal). It faces north and is enclosed by solid vinyl fencing, 6' high. There is a slight upward slope towards the
I'm in central North Carolina, zone 7b.
I have a 4' x 8' ft
raised bed. I have dig up a bed for sweet potatoes, not fully planted ~ 4.5' x 6'. I have planted some cowpeas and scarlet runner beans along the back
I've attached some pictures and drawing of the layout.
Another question I have is about what to do with the dug up sod. Some sites suggest solarizing with plastic before composting. I have heavy duty black plastic construction site waste bags in my hurricane prep kit and could use one for this purpose but I hate the idea of it - of chemicals leaching from the plastic and all that.
Another possibility is getting one of those fancy galvanized steel raised beds and using the sod to fill the bottom & then putting in several layers of
cardboard before filling with
compost and coir mix. These planters are expensive but on sale now. Not sure where I would put it, though. Also have wondered how hot they get - there are some popular YouTube gardeners that have them in hot climates and they say they don't heat up too much - but they also are affiliated with the company that makes them.
I have to try to keep things looking relatively neat and tidy.
Another okra related question - high N or low N? I get a lot of my
gardening education - for better or worse - from watching YouTube since I can do that while washing dishes & cooking. 3 YT channels say okra likes lots of N, but one says no. I guess I
should go with the majority opinion?