I've been building houses out of salvaged materials. However, some have required painting which is verboten toxic gick. What if a box or housing I salvaged was already painted? Some painting is required when the
wood is very thin or might not otherwise survive our climate extremes. I have a couple that were painted when I salvaged them and I decided to use a non-toxic paint to cap any potential issues from the original paint job. I have some log type houses I've made that get no treatments.
Most of the wood I use for trays I salvaged as tabletops, busted shelving, etc and may have a coating. Some I take all the way off, and some I left as it and just cut the galleries into the plates. Does that qualify?
Also, on the salvaged side, if I salvaged PVC pipe sections to use as housing, it that acceptable?
Here's a picture of a salvaged housing made from some sort of small tchotchke shelving that looked like a rowboat turned on end. It required lots of Dutchman repairs, additions, and glued and screwed prior to reassembly. Given all the moisture collecting areas, it was also painted to keep rot at bay. The shelving is all from salvage scrap I collected, planed, dadoed, etc.
Actually, I just found out that I'm still unable to upload a picture. Have there been any system changes recently?