I'm so glad I found the site. Paul, your
lawn article inspired me to do things right.
Last year, I gave up doing my lawn because of time and paid someone to do lawn maintenance; he would cut it short, dump the clippings in the forest (my property backs into 400+ acres of forest preserve, and 1/4 of my 3/4 acre lot is wild, and 20ft lower grade). So my back lot has wonderful soil from hundreds of years of leaf litter and last years clippings. Sigh.
Lawn looked clean, but the didn't get any feedings (synthetic or otherwise) and I have mostly thin dirt where the lawn grows.
I ordered Rigers today from my neighborhood mom-pop run hardware store (three letter franchise name...) in my suburban chicago village of 4k people; $20 a 25lb bag. Be here tuesday.
Going to lose the reel mower for an electric mulching mower. Got the number of my suburban cook county Illinois extension. Probably going to need several samples from different parts of the yard for testing.
I took some pictures of my freshly reel mowed lawn; with purple violets, white clover, bare spots of hard dirt, mixed grasses, moss, and tons of chopped dandelion flowers and seed heads. I'll post those later. I have no problem with the lawn looking a bit like pasture, just wish the
deer would eat some of it.
Wish me luck over the coming years!