Anne Miller wrote:I am not sure that I fully understand your question based on the title.
Are you wondering if pruning these plant and dropping the trimming will cause problems to other plants?
I have never used them as mulch though I have read that the trimming make good mulch because the trimming break down slowly.
May other will chime in with their experiences.
Hi Anne:)
Yes, I often cut oregano to put around new fruit
trees as mulch. It does work well and additionally the oregano often grows around the tree which is proving to be an awesome nurse type plant situation in our hot arid summers. Plus, the oregano appears to be keeping bugs away because the trees that have oregano around them are doing the best in the
yard. Very soon I plan to plant oregano around every tree.
“Only when the last tree has been cut down, the last fish been caught , and the last stream poisoned, will we realize we can’t eat money. “