The Appropedia article on composting toilets has been revamped lately - we've got a soil scientist who's become enthusiastic about fixing up our sanitation and soil articles. But it's a work in progress and would really benefit from some permies' perspectives, esp from people who (unlike me) have experience with composting toilets.
As always with Appropedia - click "edit" and fix, or if you're not ready for that just leave feedback here. Thanks! wiki for sustainable design, permaculture, appropriate technology & all that jazz.
Me: Wiki and open knowledge consulting.
What are the best online resources on composting toilets? Joe Turner has been at work on the on Appropedia article again, and improving the choice of links on the page. Then I added this - - it's commercially sponsored but seems like a good intro.... I think.
Anyone like to suggest better links, to replace or add to these links? wiki for sustainable design, permaculture, appropriate technology & all that jazz.
Me: Wiki and open knowledge consulting.
If you were a tree, what sort of tree would you be? This tiny ad is a poop beast.
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