Having diagonally crossed over-heated North America, reconned its sub-arctic boreal burning frontier mostly by tent, all by electric vehicle, as I map woods/ measure trees/ plan ecOases/ sharpen chainsaws, we are halfway through the hardwoods regeneration temperate forestry first stage of our worldschooling sabbatical.
Sonny's into the knife & hatchet only, fire-/ snare-/ bow-/ shelter-making wilderness apprenticeship part of his stone age to space age homeschooling, wifey's settling into cabin living, remote work, & autumn chill as it brings down the rainbow of leaves, &
splitting wood for campfire grilling & first woodstove heating I'm looking ahead to the mountains, desert, rainforests, & cultural ways of the Andes, Atacama, & Patagonia.
Researching the world's highest coastal & tropical mountains, largest tropical concentration of glaciers, driest desert, we're picking the most affordable & interesting way to family in Chile, which offers a handful of ancient cities along a network of ancient roads through a maze of human challenges.
Please let us know if you have any referrals for us, professional or personal, ecological/ horti-cultural, sites/ projects/ people, between the Sierra Nevada
de Santa Marta of Colombia, Sierra Blanca + Inka heartland of Peru, & volcanic fjordland gateway into Patagonia. Our specific interest is communities of families living & working their ways together back to the heart of Pachamama & garden of Eden.