It's not a full acre, even with the plots next to it I plan to get. However it's
enough to make a good homestead for sure. I'm not sure about all those different yields, as I'm very nomadic and probably wouldnt want to make that sort of time commitment. For me personally, it's more of a place to keep my things and a base camp for me to lay my head while I'm in california. I'm going to get a goat to clear the land of the overgrown vegetation and then slaughter it and make use of its yields. If other people were there while I'm away, then sure.
But it's a really great slope to terrace or
swale, so once I get the plots next to me I plan to have some nice terraces or swales earthworked in. And then use those for trees. Irrigated directly from the well until established and then they probably won't need it. Once I get this land in a good position my goal is to move on to other places and be able to travel around from site to site .