I am not too experienced with pea shrub, but I will speak for haskap propagation, and it might be relevant for pea shrubs also.
Looking at the pattern of the plants, they present as multi stemmed shrubs. Most plants like this will propagate through stool layering, mounding soil and
compost and mulch against the base of the plants and dividing the rooted stems while dormant. I’ve also just plan
root divided haskaps and that works too. Anywhere the stems are in touch with soil will readily root.
Cuttings are a bit trickier, but I’ve also had success with them. I take them dormant in early spring, and keep them dark on bottom heat in a cool space. If the stems are warm like 65-75 degrees and the tops stay cold <40 they will strike roots or root initials within a few weeks and even if they leaf out will be supported. You can then plant them in pots or out in gardens.
Pea shrub grows as a multi stemmed being as well, and I imagine it could be propagated in much the same way. Many folks do it from seed also. They grow pretty fast after the first year.
Good luck