Interesting that the addition of logs were
enough to spur on the growth. I have water hyacinths in my ponds and irrigation catchment tank in order to help keep the water clear and provide shade &
shelter for the guppies. The guppies are there to eat mosquito larvae. Any excess water hyacinths are fed to the
chickens and
rabbits. I don't have lots of excess, otherwise I'd add it to the compost too.
Florida has a major problem with this plant. Don't lots of people down there garden? It would be a great addition to compost and soil. We had a large pond here on Big Island that had gotten choked out with water hyacinth. When a group decided to clean out the pond, people lined up with pickup trucks to cart the plants away.....directly to their gardens. Resources like that don't go to waste around here. Shame Florida hasn't discovered how to utilize their excess water hyacinth.
...Su Ba