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John Polk wrote:The Mule Foot was the most common breed on American farms.
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Order copies of my book, Dairy Farming: The Beautiful Way at
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Adam Klaus wrote:100% grassfed beef or lamb is going to be more nutritious for you than any pork. Why? Because of the superior digestive system of a grazing ruminent.
Order copies of my book, Dairy Farming: The Beautiful Way at
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Adam Klaus wrote:What I mean by cows having a superior digestive system is their ability to extract the maximum amount of nutrition from their feed. If you compare food in/excrement out, cows are drawing out a much higher percentage of the nutrition from their feed than pigs are.
Adam Klaus wrote:This is why pig manure is so much hotter than cow manure.
Adam Klaus wrote:Not that it is particularly important here, but cows can in fact thrive on a legume only diet.
Adam Klaus wrote:The Utah Experiment Station did studies a century ago with cows on 100% alfalfa diets
Guarren cito wrote:I'll try a local butcher shop to see if they sell pork, I'm sure it's night and day different.
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