Simon Opaski : Welcome to Permies, and a big Welcome to Permies 'Rocket
heaters' and also the '
Wood Heaters' Forum/ threads. with over 19,000 fellow members from all around
the world, you can come here 24 /7 and usually find someone who wants to talk about what you want to talk about. You will long remember your first few posts here at Permies, lets
get you started.
We have a member who lives on the Canary Islands and everything has to be imported and Her
project has dragged on for years, she is nearly done and many of us will celebrate
her victory ! Your story can not be as hard as Hers!
living on this side of the Atlantic it is easy for us to forget how lucky we are with all our abundance, occasionally you will get some unhelpful advice from people who are just unaware
of your circumstances, but we will try and try to help ! Sometimes the answers come a little slowly as many members know that it will be hard to help you do to your location, so this
should get you started !
You have two resources right here on this page, at the top right of this page under the advertisers banner you will see the Permies Toolbox, if you click on search- it will take you to
a page where you can do a google search within Permies for any information ever shared by your fellow members ! Your second resource is at the bottom of this page and is labeled
'' Similar Threads " > a computer somewhere thinks it has selected well, Similar threads, often it is right ! When in doubt start here, if there is a 'rocket in your future you will find
it here at permies !
some good key words would be brick tunnel(S) Exhaust tunnels , horizontal chimneys, materials to make - -
Finally, The best tool you can have early is to go to to get your PDF Copies $15.
ooUSD of Evans' and Jackson's great book
'Rocket Mass Heaters' there is
other book in any language that contains as much
Rocket Mass Heater R.M.H., family information ! (and I don't make a dime) With over 100,000 R.M.H.s built world wide this is
'The Book' that built most of them, and over 95% of all the 1st builds that worked ! Good luck, for the Good of All things permies.
Think like Fire, flow like a Gas, Don't be the Marshmallow! As always your comments and questions are Solicited and Are Welcome ! PYRO - Logically Big AL !