so, i grew up in the negev in israel.
i think that inherently put a bug in my head that greening the desert is possible and good.
i also like the thought of facilitating the creation of an oasis.
i think
permaculture is
common sense, cheap, and proven to work beneficially.
therefore, my wife and i plan on purchasing
land with obvious faults such as absent
water, huge rocks, and erosion gullies. we will make it green.
but, thats all future talk, and not real life.
real life is that right now we are trucking around the usa working farm jobs and saving up 20 grand or so to start out our future plans.
ive watched every
bill mollison/geoff lawton
permaculture lecture on youtube and taken notes. i am reading the pdm and taking notes, i am going out and digging swales on public property wherever we go to see how they work off paper.
my point is i am not a fountain of knowledge.
the secondary point is that it would not be prudent to go off greening the desert with my notebooks and
books and zero real life
so, we are headed to new mexico/arizona/utah/colorado around december. i was thinking it would be cool to throw a line out and see if anyone is willing to give me a tour of their
it would be cool to stay and help out, but if your not looking for a farm hand, thats ok. i can just park nearby and show up and look at your operation and see things in action.
if you know of anyone who needs help in exchange for money that would be cool too.
i am a fantastic grunt worker.
my wife and i have two cats and a small rv, we keep to ourselves mainly, arent felons, dont do drugs, eat anything people make for us, live frugally, do unto others, etc.
so send me a moosage if your down, and well figure something out.
i am interested in learning:
-about the
local wildlife, plant and animal
-plant propagation
-alternative building methods
-permaculteral techniques, gabions, swales, dams, etc.
-animal husbandry
-bee keeping
-wild edible foraging
-rainwater collection
-alternative collection of atmospheric water. dew traps, transpiration, rock mulch, etc.
-driving large equipment
-becoming a better designer, seeing the larger picture, identifying patterns. using resources well and reusing them.
i could go on, but it would get vague and stupid if i did.
skills i have
-im a pretty descent forager where i come from, its hard to forage nomadically though.
-good with manual labour.
-eager to learn
-my wife is all these with the addition of being good with horses. really good with horses.
-i pick and grin, so if you havent someone to play with, i can kick it pretty good.
thank you for your time.