Admitedly, "awesome idea" is definitly tooting my own horn and maybe quite audacious from me to describe as such. This is an apifany I had just now and I want to share it with you folks. Perhaps someone will find it useful.
Any and all criticism is welcome. If you have something to add, please do. If you want to inform me that I am a (fornicating) dumb (pack animal) becuase this idea couldn't possibly work for whatever reason, please speak your mind and save me a season of poor yeild. I will very much appreciate it!
The conundrum i ran across is that strawberries have many allies in the world of companion planting, but they are both sun loving and low growing. This means that and companions would have to be even lower growing so as to not block out the sun and reduce strawberry yeild. My first idea was to grow the in a long colum with companions frowing ont he north and south sides so as not to block out the sun. Admitedly, this might work, but hugelkulture provides a better solution.
If one were to make a
hugel mound, the strawberries could go on top and the other plants could go on the sides, low
enough to as not to bloack the sun AT ALL. Strawberries go on th tippy top along with onions whos thin leaves are unlikely to cause problems, lettuce below that, spinach below that, sage carraway and lupin under that, bush beans next and borage at th berry bottom. after everything is established, i would throw in dandelion and plantain seeds (both
local weeds with
medicinal and edible uses).
again, all criticism welcome. Maybe I have missed some invaluably important principal of
gardening in all of this and the idea will fail. If that is the case, i would appreciate your criticism.