That's OK Scott. Hijack away! I just posted this out of frustration with my situation and on the lark that some Paul Wheaton/Mark Shepard type character lived in the area and would want to start a huge project, while allowing me to do my thing in the middle of it. It seems so daunting to go back to school, to get a real job, and then finally after--maybe 5 years?--all that I could maybe buy land?
Scott, it's nice to hear about your beautiful house and that looking into perennials like hazlenuts. You could probably even get NRCS or ATTRA grants to do that stuff for all I know.
Here's some more of what I was thinking.
A Homestead that would transition into a Living Folk School in the Middle (or near the outside) of Town.
My ultimate ideal would be to have at the very least 3-5 acres right in the middle (or just outside) of a small town like Hastings, Hudson WI, or Prescott, WI. (I love the St. Croix River). More land the better, of course. More messed up the better too, just for the challenge. But obviously farm land (good soil at least) and a clean strong well is ideal. No buildings is also ideal, as I'd like to present and work on a different aesthetic than the usual farm buildings and have more efficiency/longer lasting buildings as well (e.g. Whole Tree strawbale style?).
I would love a place that people could spontaneously end up at--walk or ride their bike to--like a park right in the middle of town. But instead of a John Muir look-at-nature-hands-off style county park with meaningless placards everywhere, the whole thing is an interactive ethnobotanical food, fiber,
shelter, and cultural forest to interact with and learn from: if you know how to harvest in a sustainable fashion, please do so!
The few people who lived there would be full time weirdos, but not be pretentious assholes about it. The dwellers would have a duty to make everything they do explainable and teachable to everyone else. Yeah, they'd walk around with beautiful leather clothes they made, willow/black
ash baskets they wove, eating food they cultivated/gathered....But so can you if you want and this is how! (My friends and I just happen to know how to do most of that stuff already...) Kinda like a full time living Folk School, like the North House Folk School in Grand Marais, MN, but more focused on transitioning to land based cultures/permaculture, living experiments in a modern context, and interactive ethnobotany.
To me this school/land could be legendary because it would live on through itself, cultivars, seeds, skills/methods, leather, tools, stories, and the people who descended from it...or decided they could do better and started another project...
I'm OK with living in super rural locations, but I'd prefer the challenge of interacting with lots of people.
In summary, Paul's Project but closer to a town, in a small town in MN or WI, and with a more ancestral skill agenda/attachment ("becoming ancestors worth descending from") from the beginning.
So, if someone just wants to give that to me that'd be great. Thanks.
Edit: I just realized this sounds like what maybe Colonial Williamsburg is like, which is funny to me. I imagine Williamsburg full of re-enactors in Victorian dress making beeswax candles and fixing shoes...Except it would be full time weirdos scraping hides and making baskets...and they wouldn't be acting.