Molds are fungi, so I don't know what type of interfungal war you want to set up. If you grow a particular type of
mushroom in your root cellar, those spores will come to predominate and will outcompete other molds that might be present.
I've set up almost that situation in my refrigerator. I really like bleu cheese, and am constantly bringing in new sources of those
Penicillium spores. If I neglect a container of yogurt or an opened package of cheese for a week, I see little green colonies of
Penicillium starting to take up residence. Some times it is welcome, sometimes it is not. But my refrigerator does have the power of turning cheap bargain basement cheese into a reasonable imitation of gorgonzola or roquefort. I suppose if I get tired of this new super power, I could empty the refrigerator, take it outside and give it some bleach and sunshine, but for now I kind of like it.