Hi All – I am trying to come up with a formula for feeding my pigs a mixture of barley, oats and wheat. I won’t
feed them corn or soy. I am willing to supplement with diamataceous earth and I am giving them some whey (though not much). They are on pasture and so are getting grubs, dirt and other greens – but our pasture needs renovating (hence the pigs) so I wouldn’t say it’s great pasture. They also seem to be eating their
hay bedding but I don’t think it’s great quality either so I’m not really relying on this for a lot of nutrition.
I am more concerned with keeping them away from GMOs than I am with rapid growth. Though I do want healthy pigs and tasty meat.
My plan is to ferment 1 part rolled oats, 1 part crushed barley, and 2 parts whole wheat for 48 hours and then feed it to them. But I have no
experience in this (previously I only fed commercial feed plus excess fruit and vegetables and pasture) and I can find very little specific information on-line that does not include corn and soy (people say they do it, but are not specific as to exactly how).
Is anyone feeding a combination of these cereal grains? With or without fermentation/soaking? Any whole grains or all crushed/rolled? Please share your specific ration recipes, including any changes with weaners, feeders, sows, etc.