Guns are a life or death responsibility. Using them as a 1st response to a situation isn't responsible nor reasonable.
Permaculture is a community based response to some of the woes of the world not adding to them by over reacting. Being a community it is our responsibility to consider our neighbours as we ourselves would like to be considered. Guns are dangerous! Bullets don't just stop where you want them to and do not care what they hit nor what life they take. People have the ability to reason and to care. Caring and responsibility of course go both ways. Landowners
should expect reasonable effort to prevent unwanted trespass by pets, children etc by owners/parents through training, fences or other means and take those measures. It would not be reasonable for such trespass to occur on a regular basis. The owner/parent would also be responsible for any damages incurred, such as the chasing down of a
chicken, and be required to pay for them.
Extreme situations cannot be used to justify anything. Perhaps the best common analogy is the automotive seatbelt. It's introduction was "unsafe", it would hold people in the car if they went off the road and into a lake or some other such scenario. These extreme situations do occur but are quite rare and as such are red herrings not reasons. The truth is many more lives have been saved by seatbelts than the reverse. The same is true of keeping ammo and guns locked up separately. Most accidental deaths of children from firearms have been because of weapons kept live, ie loaded, or because everything was kept together and thus the children had the opportunity once they had one they had both. This has also contributed significantly to youth violence with firearms, notably some of the school shootings that have become more common in recent times.
I am not a proponent of "no guns", I do believe in responsible ownership. I am, have been for over 40 years and intend to continue being a hunter and gun owner. I am currently involved in the fight to end the long gun registry in Canada as it has little if any applicability to making society safer. I fully support the requirement for hunter and firearm safety courses prior to gun ownership.
Before insisting on your right to take extreme action please remember we are a community and your neighbour is a part of that community. If your
answer is the neighbour should consider you and control his animal/children at ALL TIMES I invite you to try and run down a dog chasing a squirrel and not paying attention to you or a child who has gone exploring. If you can catch the dog you should be running in the Olympics because you are faster than any human I know of.