I have four different kinds of mint, growing in a variety of containers and (this year) in random places where I've planted it. I'm not worried about it spreading, because I want lots and I have plenty of room.
It does not flourish, though, in the heat of the summer, even when provided with plenty of
water. It wants to get gangly and tall and flower a lot, and what leaves it produces tend toward the small, yellow-looking, and flavorless.
I'm interested in tips and tricks for keeping mint happy and flavorful throughout the summer. I've heard that growing yarrow with it helps, so that's an experiment to try. Any others? Do I need to provide my mint with more shade? Even more water? Fertilizer? Or is mint just not going to be productive when daily highs go above 100 for more than a few days at a time?
Almost everything written about growing mint is written about controlling its invasiveness. I'm hoping some folks here will have tips for helping it grow better and more aromatic. Thanks!