yarrow good, yarrow bad, very very bad (when he was good he was very very good and when he was bad he was horrid)
I have a yarrow
lawn near my garden area in the North and was "allowing" yarrow to grow around some of my fruit trees and berry bushes cause I THOUGHT it was a good idea from my
permaculture reading..
Well in some cases I was very very wrong.
I just spent a couple of days last month digging yarrow OUT OF my blueberry beds..the yarrow was strangling my blueberries ..literally.
roots of yarrow are about the same as quackgrass..as a matter of fact if you have both in an area it is somewhat difficult to tell the difference, although they do have similar actions their appearance are a bit different. The yarrow are thicker and more pervasive than quackgrass !!!
I managed to get it all pulled out..for now. man that stuff is pervasive.
I still have it growing around an
apple tree, very thickly, figuring the
apple tree might be ok with it..however, I planted a couple of comfrey around the apple tree hoping to shade the yarrow out??
please be careful when you introduce something to your garden that you are not familiar with it's growth habits..good idea checking here first as you did as now you may be a bit more careful..it is way worse than mint and highly invasive.