TL; DR : What's abundant in your job? What do you WISH were abundant in your job?
"If you are near a waterfall you are going to get wet."
I check a question-and-answer website,, occasionally. Recently somebody asked,
"Why are Wall Street jobs high-paying?" and a Joseph Wang answered,
"If you are near a waterfall you are going to get wet.
At my old job, I was sitting next to a trading desk that was dealing in billions of dollars of transactions each day. My salary and the salary of everyone else near that desk was a rounding error compared to the amount of money that was flowing past."
So I started thinking, yes, that makes sense. When the decisionmakers are looking at annual numbers with fifteen and sixteen figures, then six-figure salaries would naturally seem like no big deal. Why not? It's not that much money.
And then, interestingly, that's probably true everywhere, with both tangible and intangible things. I cleaned carpets once for someone from Lindor Chocolates. She sent me and my technicians home with grocery bags of expensive truffles. Why not? It's not that much chocolate.
I heard a story just yesterday evening about a driver for a whiskey company who used to "accidentally" break a few bottles from time to time (over a funnel with cheesecloth to keep the broken glass out) because, why not? It's not that much whiskey.
I had a claim once with a bounty hunter (excuse me, "bail bondsman"). He casually told me about a time he handcuffed a snarky teenager and drove him a couple of hours to Fort Smith in the trunk of his BMW. Why not? It's not that much violence.
There's an exception: I know a couple of social workers. It seems like their work takes place next to a waterfall of bad decisions and suffering. They don't seem to have gotten wet. I can't explain that.
But I can picture this being true with all sorts of other things: music, clothes and fashion, paint, steel, computer parts, fitness,
books, infidelity, wisdom and pseudo-wisdom, exotic travel, public speaking, power.
And so, my questions to everybody: What waterfall are you standing next to in your work? Are you getting wet?
What waterfall do you wish you were next to? Is there such a job?