Joanne McCartney wrote:
I sliced up a couple cucumbers, peeled some garlic cloves and added some fresh dill to a brine yesterday that I put in an old pickle jar. I used a smaller jar that I filled with water that fit in the top to keep everything submerged. I hope it works as well as the sauerkraut did.
John Elliott wrote:
Joanne McCartney wrote:
I sliced up a couple cucumbers, peeled some garlic cloves and added some fresh dill to a brine yesterday that I put in an old pickle jar. I used a smaller jar that I filled with water that fit in the top to keep everything submerged. I hope it works as well as the sauerkraut did.
What? No red pepper? Add some of that, and you will be entering the realm of kimchi. Here's another good ferment recipe:
Check out Redhawk's soil series:
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