after another week my raw milk looks just like in the photo, layers of curd and a big pocket of whey. I used butter muslin to strain the curd from the whey and threw the curd in my
compost. The whey went into a jar with 1 tbsp. molasses to
feed the culture. I boiled and let cool 12 c water, mixed the 4 tbsp. molasses into the water until dissolved. added 4 tbsp. of the serum culture and took it out into the garage. I weighed out 10 lbs wheat bran (I found a 50 lb bag for $14 at my
local feed mill) and put it in a big plastic tote for mixing. Poured the water/molasses/culture into the bin and mixed by hand. I would describe the mix as slightly tacky... put two garbage bags inside each other and packed the bran tightly as I went, tied off each bag and put the lid on. Will keep you posted in two weeks when I pull off the lid and see if it smells good.