Growing up in Louisiana, I had get-togethers with my neighbors and community for crawfish boils very often. We shared meals with each other, and whenever we had leftovers, we'd share them with everyone and give away our food. It diversified our community and established a complex and healthy social atmosphere for children to grow up in. No matter where we went, there was food!
As humans, omnivores, and heterotrophs, life is innately centered around eating and feasting. It slightly annoys me when people say "guys can't cook" because I LOVE COOKING when I get the time to, and it makes me feel great! There's just some allure to satisfying the biological needs of others; what I cook becomes part of them, and in a way, I become part of them. It feels to me, a lot more intimate than going to a movie, social outing, or hugging your best friend. It feels good to
feed people, and I see the same thing in
gardening, building, and
permaculture as a whole. It is fulfilling the needs of society, people, and an ecosystem in a mutually beneficial interaction that sustains and nourishes life. Quite yummy!