I live in an appartment and I don't see that changing any time soon (economics). I would love to be a regenerative force in the world though and the best way I can think of doing that is to teach others about
permaculture who can hopefully make a bigger change than I can.
I've been working at creating videos on various aspects of
permaculture. I have about 19 videos right now, I have outlines for about 6 more, and my goal is to put out over 200 or more in the next year or two, but I want really good content. I really want people to love the videos and be inspired. My goal eventually is to have an
online PDC type course. Not a full
Geoff Lawton cert course, but one that will give people a very good understanding of what
permaculture is and attempt to shift the mindset to a regenerative one.
I've posted about this before and I've had the comments that my videos need more visuals, so I've actually bought a wacom tablet to make that easier.
I hope this isn't asking too much, but could you please take a look at my channel and a video or two (
https://www.youtube.com/user/starterpermie) and let me know what stands out to you? What do you like? What would you change? Any comments you might have. What videos do you think people would like to see?
My goal is to win hearts and minds and create advocates of permaculture.