I'll try to describe our
project, in part to clarify my own thoughts, in part to have some starting point before asking anything. Perhaps in part hoping that someone would find this interesting... although this indeed no fancy homestead or the like, on the contrary

lol! I thought of putting this on the Scandinavian section, but decided not to, as comments from elsewhere are very welcome as well. So here we go...
The starting point:
The location is stated on the left. Finnish zone 4 (US hardiness zone 3-4, but this somewhere between coastal and continental climate, so the US zones don't work that well). In the middle of a windy field (it nearly always blows), some 9m of clay beneath (in some places replaced by sand, e.g. under the old shuttle, long since demolished). Flat except for the steep slopes to the creek on the north-eastern side. Ditches on other sides, running to the creek - summer & fall 2012 was extremely rainy, and the southern ditches were full of
water (10-20cm from the ground level on the side), but the creek could still handle everything. No flooding, although the soil was very wet then and one rowan actually drowned. Normally the summer is not that moist, but no difficult droughts either.
As you can see in the aerial photo (2 years old), we have a long narrow area - the field on the south-eastern side is not ours. The house in the northern end, country road on the western side, driveways (sand + gravel) to the garage separate the house from the part where the garden shall be. The southern end is a former field, mostly forgotten and full of permanent weeds. The fertile soil layer is rather thin, but worms have been busy there. Last year we dug most of it up while installing geothermal heating. Between that and the driveways there isn't much else than a
lawn. Here the soil layer is anything between 6-30cm. The electrical wires go to a neighbour across our
land, limiting what we can plant on the edge of driveway and lawn. The shades on the lawn are birches and on their southern side is a ditch before the fields. Also birches (& some rowans) along the creek, making it rather shady but protecting the house from winds and stabilising the soil.
The house is my husbands childhood home. I'll describe here just what affects the garden. The house was built in the 60's-70's, still needing lots of renovation as you can see in the photo. 400m2 car repair shop /garage in the ground level.
(The car service history extends longer than the current building, and we intend to put that space earning its upkeep once again.) It has doors to the road and to the southern side, which dictates what I can do with the garden. During the winter the driveway to these doors is kept clear with a
tractor - that specific garage can take in a bus, after all. Our living quarters upstairs is less than ½ of the ground level - the part under the pitched roof. On the southern end we have a roof terrace, around 35-40m2 - this is one of the few things I really like here! The only private door is the one behind the car in the photo, limiting access to the garden. In the big, high garage, near the doors facing south, I have a place for potting and for taking certain perennials indoors for winter. The water outlet is also there.
(Water is cheap here, no serious shortages. We have a local water cooperative and the nearby water source is more abundant than the use that has actually dropped. So, while I rather use rainwater & try to conserve, I'm not feeling very guilty for occasional watering from the tap.)
Restrictions: only 2 adults, day jobs, health issues, limited & fluctuating
energy levels (=a major reason for uncertainty

). Very little
experience in
gardening (another reason for uncertainty). The house sucks up most of the budget, and time, too. Let's face it: There are times when I have more energy and get excited very easily, but I can never know how long it lasts. It never lasts a whole summer, though. One whole month is extremely lucky.
A nice, cosy, sheltered place - my mind needs somewhere to rest, to calm down, to make my personal life
sustainable. Privacy and wind shield (!!!). Beauty. A micro climate warmer and easier than the surroundings.
Connection between the house and the garden (how on earth do I make it happen in this plot???) - otherwise I find myself sitting inside all too much.
Herb garden - my use is limited, but I put value on having them available. Besides, many of them are beautiful. Fancying a herb spiral, among other things...
Probably an edible forest garden. In the same time it must be a very easily maintained garden, otherwise it will fall apart... This limits my abstract dreams of semi-self-sufficiency. I can't handle that much. (Birds will have lots to eat when I'm done with harvesting.) Anyway, even without permacultural interest I would have lots of perennials.
Some aspects of a traditional garden - no modern style here.
A small sauna in the garden, perhaps a pool. (An organic pool, if you ask me.) A summer kitchen. A
greenhouse, having place for a table & chairs as well. All these combined, perhaps.
We have agreed on transforming most of the old field to a meadow to make it beautiful to look at and to attract some butterflies back. My husband says he hasn't seen many of them for a few decades. No hedgehogs either, unfortunately - I'd love to have some. We do have
moles, so some ermines or weasels - or owls (just love them) would be welcome. Our neighbours cats are welcome too, but the road takes it toll (which is why we keep our own cats inside). Last winter we got proof of rabbit residence, so I wouldn't mind some foxes either... And of
course I'd like to have some more bird song around here. (Magpies are no good singers.) Just hoping this isn't too isolated an island in the middle of monocultures!
I love
trees with a broad shape, like oaks, mountain elm or maple. Luckily these are possible here, too - not just the birches we currently have.
Dreaming of extending my corner in the garage for keeping more fragile plants over winter.
Hmm, this starts to get quite lengthy, I guess I'll have to continue with my plans later. Besides, I think I really need to finally make proper analysis of this all. Zones etc.