The customer chose a contractor and rolled the dice. He lost. It was an absolute joke. The guy sent lackies who were very keen on avoiding any sort of hard work or quality workmanship. They dug the drain pits 1/6 the sizes that we talked about and they got crushed rock all over the
lawn and in the flower beds. The machine tore up the lawn while digging little holes that a man could hand dig in a few hours. My customer has health issues that affect his judgment. He took a lot of medication that day and he paid for the work when it was incomplete. Most phone calls were ignored after that. They came back for a pile of dirt and some stray tools, but never did return to clean up the mess. When we walked around talking about the job in the beginning, the contractor showed where pits would be. They were to be large
enough to accommodate all rock and broken
concrete on site. Everything was to be backfilled. None of the waste aggregate was used and no backfilling was done. The guy who laid the pipe did a decent job. All other work was shoddy or not done at all.
This all happened on a day when I was away until 2 pm. I had no luck in convincing the customer that things were going very badly. He spent $4000 on about $1500 worth of work. The contractor who priced the job was never seen again. All communication went through an underling who pleaded ignorance. Whenever quality was brought up, they talked about the lack of permits ( a not too veiled threat).
I stand by my method of hiring only by the hour and disposing of anyone who is useless right away. This job proceeded perfectly, until control was given to someone of low character.
It took a week to clean up their mess and finish the job.