Still hiking. Unknown berries, beautiful backdrops and what must be a very important find. I've assumed The Richard met all his hydration needs through the intake of vegetation and berries like the koala. Here though, we see he is getting ready to fill a canteen. I must take note of this and possibly use it to my advantage in the future. However slight, this does seem to be a weakness to explore. I was lucky to be assumed a bumbling idiot on the rock path so he didn't notice me studying him and deceptively getting this picture. My skills in this space seem to be gaining. His distrust of my company seems to be waning and might even be turning into a slight camaraderie. I
should be able to exploit this in the near future for easier study. I must admit at this writing though the worry of him finding out my ruse. I'm sure I can't outrun him and I don't think I can take him on his
native terrain. Must be careful.