It is amazing what a group of people can accomplish when they set their mind to it. A number of broody parents could be kept somewhere safe with the incubated young too ........ in hopes of training the young.... Much better to do something than nothing. But it might be some time before they could be returned to the wild.... The environment is in danger of becoming less conducive to good health than the confines of a zoo..... and that takes some doing.
The real problem is it is not just the oil damage that the wildlife will have to combat....... it is also the huge amounts of toxic solvents now being used to disguise the amount of barrels a day that are actually pumping out. Other toxins are coming out with the oil too. Toxins like Benzene, methylene chloride, vanadium and mercury.... some of which deplete the oxygen in the
water... and cause horrific disease..... in mankind too. This could all have worldwide ramifications if it leaves the gulf stream which is a lot slower than the oceanic streams. The solutions they are considering are even scaring the experts... nuclear... to shut the well... it could also rupture it completely because the pressure is so high.
Permaculture when we have slugs... it is a case of not having
enough ducks to balance it out. .......... When we have mankind deliberately pumping even more dangerous toxins into the environment to hide the magnitude of error... what is it that we lack? Enough heart to care. How do we put that back again?
I stand by
Geoff Lawton when he says: You can fix all the world's problems in a garden. Take these greedy idiots and confine them to a garden. Make them work the soil - carefully explaining that after 3 months they will only eat what they have grown. Perhaps .... I only say perhaps because of the degree of idiocy.... they will develop a sense of value for what we have been given by way of nature and natural cycles. Even if they did not learn ..... they at least would be removed from doing any more damage. That would go a long way toward helping in the search for solutions. Investigations are showing it was
greed and careless disregard for normal safety parameters that
led to this disaster. Warning signs were evident weeks before that everything was not as it
should be.
My 2c.