Just got to wondering if anyone here knows people doing natural building in central Eurasia, or for that matter, traditional village-style housing using
local building methods and resources.
Two reasons:
1) We always like finding old-world technology that has useful elements we can mimic.
Our part of North America is mountainous, semi-arid to arid, with a mix of rolling-hills steppe, scrub-steppe benches, conifer forest hills, and rocky alpine outcrops and peaks.
The few photos I've seen of conditions in the 'stan regions, it seems like they have some very similar climate zones.
I'd love to find out more about traditional building styles that are durable, resist extreme cold and heat, and provide comfort in these harsh climates. And of
course any integrated garden or cultural practices too.
2) We are getting
permaculture and natural building inquiries from a
permaculture startup in Kazakhstan, and it would be great to connect people who have
experience in the region.
Erica W